While you are not able to import the list into ChamberMaster/MemberZone, GrowthZone can do this for you. We support a standard import file for loading your member data into our software. The standard procedure is to create an Excel file that contains your data, following the field order, titles, and formatting as directed below. Although we recommend Excel, we can also accept CSV file types. You will find the .xls formatted file at this link and instructions.
IMPORTANT: If you have the Pro Edition of the software, you are eligible for one complimentary import per month. If you do not have the Pro Edition of the software fees will be applied for requests to import members. Contact Support for a quote. |
Member data must be provided to GrowthZone in the XLS file provided here and the file and fields must comply with the instructions below:
- The file name should be called “std_import.xls” A sample file called “std_import” should be sent along with this document.
- Field names must remain the same, both the name and order.
- Additional fields may not be added.
- Fields may be left blank if the information is not present.
- Every row will be imported as its own company/member record. Multiple listings of the same company name will result in multiple separate company records.
- The “Status” field is used to determine if the user is an Active, Prospect, Courtesy, NonMember, or Dropped. Any entries not of those five types will be imported as Non-Member.
- “MemberType” can be of any classification you desire. We recommend not having more than 10 different types.
- States must be in their two-letter abbreviation or three letters for International use. States entries longer than three characters will be ignored, or truncated to three characters.
- Full-time and part-time employee fields may only contain whole numbers and no ranges, or they will be ignored.
- Phone and fax numbers longer than 30 characters will be truncated to 30 characters.
- “RenewalMonth” must be a whole number, 1-12, or will be ignored.
- “DuesLevelName” is the name of the fee item assigned to the member from your dues schedule.
- “AnnualDuesAmount” is the total sum the member is expected to pay annually, regardless of billing frequency.
- “BillingFrequency” must be a whole number representing the number of invoices the member is to receive annually (1 for annual, 2 for semi-annually, 4 for quarterly, etc.) Any non-whole number will be imported as annually.
The table below lists the fields that may be imported. It may be possible to import additional fields, but there may be a charge to do so.
CompanyName | DuesLevelName |
CompanyFileByName | AnnualDuesAmount |
Status | BillingFrequency |
MemberType | PrimaryBusinessCategory |
Phone | SecondBusinessCategory |
AltPhone | ThirdBusinessCategory |
TollFreePhone | PrimaryContactFirstname |
Fax | PrimaryContactLastName |
PrimaryContactTitle | |
Website | PrimaryContactEmail |
MailAddr1 | PrimaryContactPhone |
MailAddr2 | AdditionalContactFirstname1 |
MailCity | AdditionalContactLastname1 |
MailState | AdditionalContactTitle1 |
MailZip | AdditionalContactEmail1 |
PhysAddr1 | AdditionalContactPhone1 |
PhysAddr2 | AdditionalContactFirstname2 |
PhysCity | AdditionalContactLastname2 |
PhysState | AdditionalContactTitle2 |
PhysZip | AdditionalContactEmail2 |
BillContactFirstname | AdditionalContactPhone2 |
BillContactLastname | AdditionalContactFirstname3 |
BillContactTitle | AdditionalContactLastname3 |
BillAddr1 | AdditionalContactTitle3 |
BillAddr2 | AdditionalContactEmail3 |
BillCity | AdditionalContactPhone3 |
BillState | AdditionalContactFirstname4 |
BillZip | AdditionalContactLastname4 |
NumFullTimeEmployees | AdditionalContactTitle4 |
NumPartTimeEmployees | AdditionalContactEmail4 |
JoinDate | AdditionalContactPhone4 |
DropDate | MemberCustomField1 |
BusinessDescription | MemberCustomField2 |
InternalComments | MemberCustomField3 |
RenewalMonth |