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Home > Billing - CM/MZ > Recurring Credit Card Billing and ACH with Authorize.Net
Recurring Credit Card Billing and ACH with Authorize.Net
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You can allow your members to save their payment information for reuse and you can set up their dues billing to use that saved information as well.

NOTE: Changes to Authorize.Net keys must be completed by a member of our Support staff. Please contact Support for more information.


How It Works

With stored payments enabled, members who are paying online for membership or simply an event registration will have the option to save their credit card information. The next time they need to make a payment they can select a saved card and that will save them the time spent entering that information. All credit card information is stored within Authorize.Net's Customer Information Manager (CIM) which provides a secure method of storing credit/debit card or bank account information.


As an added benefit saved cards/bank accounts enabled your staff to run an epayment batch to bill saved payment profiles (credit cards/bank accounts) for membership dues.


  • Must use as your payment processor.
  • Need to have the Customer Information Manager enabled on your Account. See instructions for setting this up here.
  • Must have a Plus edition or higher version database.


  1. Set up your account to allow for saved card and bank account information.
  2. Enable the ability to securely store and access epayment profiles in ChamberMaster / MemberZone.
    1. Go to Setup
    2. Open the Billing Options and Settings
    3. Expand the Credit Cards section
    4. Enable Securely store credit/debit card information for reuse
    5. (Optional) If eChecks is enabled with Authorize.Net (ACH), then enable the ability to Allow payment with bank account information
    6. Click Save
  3. Set up and assign the recurring fee amounts on your customer accounts, which includes assigning the fee and adding an epayment profile.
  4. Create the monthly epayment batch which immediately charges their account and creates the billing transaction(s) in ChamberMaster / MemberZone.
*Requires Integrated Billing; Authorize.NET AIM integration; CIM enabled at Authorize.NET for credit/debit card management; and eCheck enabled at Authorize.NET for ACH bank drafts.
Note: Authorize.NET gateway emulators are not supported at this time.
Note to legacy ‘ACH’ users: To integrate the recurring automatic ACH selection with the option that we've called "ACH" for many years, we renamed the old "ACH" selections to "Manual epayment" (Oct 2014). It still works the way it used to but now the new automated selections are integrated into these same choices.
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