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Home > Billing - CM/MZ > Cash Sales Receipts
Cash Sales Receipts
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Receipts for Cash/Check sales may be created immediately when the registration is made by Chamber staff or when cash or check is received later by Chamber staff.


Registrations marked as Cash/Check that are completed online by a guest, will not generate a Sales Receipt. The online registrant will see a confirmation notice of their registration. The registrant will be displayed on the Guest List in ChamberMaster and must be marked manually as Paid by Chamber Staff. A Sales Receipt may be created at that time.


During Registration of a Guest


  1. During registration of a guest by Chamber staff, if payment method of Cash or Check is selected, check the Create receipt and mark registrant as paid box. Enter the Check Number then click Save & Close.
  2. After clicking Save & Close, a Sales Receipt screen will display.
  3. Make any desired changes such as the type of payment method, any notes, or messages.
  4. Click Print Now or Email Now to print or email the receipt at this time or select Receipt is marked to be printed or Receipt is marked to be emailed in order to print or email this receipt later by going to Billing > Reports > Receivables > Print/Email Sales Receipts.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Click Close.


After Registration of a Guest

  1. After registration of a guest, if cash or check is received and a Sales Receipt should be created, return to the Guest List tab of the desired event.
  2. Locate the desired registrant on the Guest List and click Registered in the Status column.
  3. Check the Create receipt and mark registrant as paid box then enter the details in the Check Number field.
  4. Click Save & Close.
  5. The Sales Receipt screen will display where you can make any desired changes such as type of payment method, any notes, or messages.
  6. Click Print Now or Email Now to print or email the receipt at this time or select Receipt is marked to be printed or Receipt is marked to be emailed in order to print or email this receipt later by going to Billing > Reports > Receivables > Print/Email Sales Receipts.
  7. Click Save then click Close.
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