Credit Card Sales Receipts
When Credit Card Payment Tracking Options in the Fees and Registration Preferences are set to create new Sales Receipts when a credit card is processed, the sales receipt will be created automatically when the sale is processed. Access the Sales Receipts tab in the Billing module to print or email the receipt.
- Click Billing in the left-hand menu.
- Click the Sales Receipts tab.
- Click the arrows or click search receipts to locate the desired receipt.
Figure: Sales Receipts tab within the Billing module.
- Once the desired receipt is located, click Print Now or Email Now.
To print multiple receipts at one time, select Receipt is marked to be Printed on each desired invoice and then print these invoices by selecting Print/Email Sales Receipts from the Reports tab in the Billing module.
Online registrations will also create a receipt automatically and will automatically select Receipt is marked to be Printed. These receipts may be printed by selecting Print/Email Sales Receipts from the Reports tab in the Billing module without having to manually mark each receipt on the Sales Receipts tab.