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Home > Member Management - CM/MZ > Membership Application > Provide Promo Codes for Membership Application
Provide Promo Codes for Membership Application
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Providing promo codes may be a way to encourage new applicants to your chamber/association. By entering the promo code when completing the membership application, the applicant will immediately receive the appropriate discount. Promo Codes can be used for both your membership packages and add-on items.

NOTE: This functionality is available with V4 Public Modules only. 


Create a Promo Code for Membership Application

  1. Select Setup in the left-hand navigation panel.
  2. Click Setup Membership Application in the Member Options section.
  3. On the General tab, click Add Promo Code in the Promo  Code section.

  4. Enter the Promo Code Name. This is for identification in the back office and not the actual promo code.
  5. Enter the Promo Code. This is the code that you will share with applicants.
  6. Choose the desired Type. Promo Codes can be used for membership packages or for add-on items. If Package is selected, choose the package to which this promo code can be applied OR select All Packages. NOTE: Promo Code discounts can only be applied to packages set up with Fee Type of Fee Items. If the package is set up with Fee or Schedule pricing a promo code may not be created. 
  7. In the Value/Amount section choose from the following options:
    • Use Flat Fee Amount: This option will set the price of the package to a specific dollar amount.
    • Reduce Fee Amount by $: This option allows you to subtract a dollar amount from the package price.
    • Reduce Fee Amount by %: This option allows you to reduce the package price by a percentage.
  8. Ensure the Active checkbox is enabled.
  9. Click Save.


The Promo Code can now be shared with applicants.


Membership Application Promo Codes - How it Works

  1. From the online membership application, the applicant chooses a membership package tied to a Promo Code.
  2. A Promo Code text box will be displayed
  3. The applicant enters the Promo Code and clicks Apply
  4. A message indicating the Promo Code was applied will be displayed
  5. When the invoice is generated, it will reflect the applicable discount.



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