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Home > Billing - CM/MZ > Overpayments and Credits on Accounts
Overpayments and Credits on Accounts
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If it is a true overpayment and they wish to be refunded:

  • Refund the payment by credit card through GrowthZone Pay or by going to Billing>Reports Tab>Banking Box>Payment Processing (GrowthZone Pay) or Credit Card Listing ( (if the overpayment was by credit card and it is less than 90 days since the initial transaction). Create the corresponding transaction when prompted, to enter that into their account tab.
  • OR Refund the payment by check; create a refund sales receipt in the member’s account tab>transaction history and note on the receipt the chamber’s check number and date of refund for reference.


If they wish for the over-payment to be held as a credit:

  • Keep it showing as a credit in their account to be used for a future invoice


Overpayment to be written off the AR because it was an entry error:

  • Go to the member’s account tab > transaction history and select the New Invoice button to create a “dummy” invoice for the same amount of the credit showing in their account
  • Apply the open credit to that invoice to remove the credit from their account
  • The transaction will be visible in the account tab, transaction history of the member’s record


For credit memos that are misapplied, simply delete the credit memo:



Here is where you would find all negative balances in accounts:



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