Send members to specific areas in the Member Information Center (MIC) when they log in by appending a new string onto the /login URL. For example, when emailing a member asking them update their directory listing, include a link to the login page with our new destination string appended: /login?dest=webpage. When the member logs in to the MIC, they will be taken directed to the page where they can update their listing.
List of Destination Strings
String | Path | Page |
dest=home | /mic/home | Dashboard Home |
dest=deals | /mic/hotdeals/search?type=2 | Hot deals |
dest=m2mdeals | /mic/hotdeals/search?type=3 | Member to Member deals |
dest=news | /mic/news/search | News |
dest=market | /mic/marketspace/search | MarketSpace |
dest=jobs | /mic/jobs/search | Jobs |
dest=events | /mic/events/search | Events |
dest=directory | /mic/members/search | Member directory |
dest=profile | /mic/profile/summary | Profile summary page |
dest=info | /mic/profile/businessinfo | Member business info |
dest=webpage | /mic/profile/webpageinfo | Member webpage info |
dest=badge | /mic/widgets | Membership badge |
dest=paybills | /mic/accounts/billpay | Bill pay |
dest=checkout | /mic/checkout/cart | Checkout cart |
dest=groups | /mic/account/employeegroups | Groups/Interests page |
dest=myphoto | /mic/account/employeephoto | Employee Photo |
dest=personalinfo | /mic/account/employeeprofile | Employee Profile |
dest=employees | /mic/account/employees | Employees |
dest=resources | /mic/resources | Resources |
If the resource is unavailable due to permission limitations, the following error will be displayed: The resource you have attempted to access is not available to you. If you believe you have received this message in error, please contact <association> at <association email>, <association phone>. To continue what you were doing, use your browser's back button.