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Home > Events - CM/MZ > Add Pre-Paid Event Registration from the Back Office
Add Pre-Paid Event Registration from the Back Office
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If you have pre-sold registrations to your event or included registrations to events in your membership packages, you can register these to account for the attendees on the event guest list tab.

  1. For the desired event, click the Guest List tab.
  2. Click Add New Registration.
  3. Select the desired registration fee(s) and proceed to check out.
  4. Select No Charge as the payment method.
  5. Click Checkout.
  6. On the Checkout Successful screen, click Continue.
  7. Best Practice: Enter the previously created invoice number or a reason for the no charge in the Reason/Comments text box.
  8. Click Save & CloseNo Charge registrations will be reflected on the event's account tab.
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