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Home > eCommerce > Processing eCommerce Store Orders
Processing eCommerce Store Orders
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Click here for a short video on how to process an order. When an order is placed, an email notification is sent to the Store Owner's address. This initially defaults to the address listed under Setup > Organization Information. The email template and associated settings can be found under Content Management > Message Templates. Edit the template called “OrderPlaced.StoreOwnerNotification”

  1. Click eCommerce in the left-hand menu.
  2. Click the Sales tab.
  3. Click Orders.

    Note the orders and their status columns – Order status, Payment status, and Shipping status. If your list of orders is quite long, use the filter at the top of the list to specify exactly what you’d like to see in your list. You can filter the list in the following manner:

    • Start Date and End Date: use this filtering option to view orders placed with a specific date range.
    • Billing email address: Use this filter option to search for a specific order based on the customer's email address.
    • Order Status: Select one of the following: All, Pending, Processing, Complete, or Cancelled.
    • Payment Status: Select a specific payment status to search by All, Pending, Authorized, Paid, Refunded, Partially Refunded, Voided. NOTE: All orders would be paid by credit card.
    • Shipping Status: Select a specific shipping status to search by All, Shipping not required, Not yet shipped, Partially shipped, Shipped, Delivered.
    • Go directly to order number: This option allows you to enter the order number and click Go to display the required order.
  4. If filtering options have been entered, click Search. When any search is performed, the results of the search are displayed in the lower half of the screen.
  5. Click View in the row of the item that you wish to process.
  6. Review the order information on the Info tab.
  7. Click the Shipping info tab.
  8. Click Add Shipment at the bottom of the screen.
  9. In the Tracking number: text box, enter the tracking number associated with your shipment of this item. This will vary depending on your shipping carrier and what information you desire to record for shipping records. NOTE: This tracking number is also visible to customers that choose to check their order status by logging into the storefront.
  10. Make sure the quantity is correct for the items that will be included in this shipment. NOTE: If all of the items are not ready to be shipped, you may set their quantity at 0 on this screen. The order will then display as Partially Shipped when viewing the Shipping Status on the Sales->Orders list.
  11. Click Save and Continue.
  12. To add the date for the shipment, click the Shipment tab.
  13. Click ViewAdd a date to the shipment, and click view for the product you wish to mark as shipped.
  14. Click View on the row of the desired shipment.
  15. Click the Set as shipped button. NOTE: An email notification, ShipmentSent.CustomerNotification under Content Management->Message Templates is automatically sent to the purchaser when this date is set and the email is marked as active. This Shipped date is also visible to customers that choose to check their order status by logging into the storefront. Today’s current date and time will automatically be placed on this shipment. No other date or time may be specified and this date/time may not be undone.
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