MFA for Staff
Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is an easy-to-use login method that can provide added security to reduce the risk of data breaches for your staff and your members. Once enabled, MFA will be required upon every login for your staff and members.
Verification via email is currently the only option available for receiving MFA verification codes. Once the verification code is sent, it must be entered within 2.5 minutes or a new verification code must be generated. This can be done by selecting Resend Code on the MFA screen.
NOTE: Enabling Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) must be completed by a member of our Support staff. Please contact our Support staff for more information.

MFA in the MIC
When MFA is enabled, the following message will be displayed when members log in to the Member Information Center (MIC):

If a member waits longer than 2.5 minutes to enter the verification code, or if they enter an incorrect verification code, they will have the option to have a new verification code sent to them by clicking Resend Code.

MFA Email Template
If you're considering implementing MFA, we've designed an email template you may use to introduce this new feature to your members.