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Home > Billing - CM/MZ > Create Refund for an Authorize.Net DPM Payment Made towards a Receipt
Create Refund for an Authorize.Net DPM Payment Made towards a Receipt
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  1. Click Billing in the left-hand navigation panel.
  2. Click the Reports tab.
  3. Click Credit Card Listing in the Banking section.
  4. Locate the payment you wish to refund. You can click the Select Member link to choose a specific member, or you can enter a specific date range.
  5. For the desired payment, click the Refund link in the Actions column. 

NOTEUnsettled may be displayed in the Action column instead of Refund. Unsettled indicates that this transaction is very new - typically less than 24 hours old. After about 24 hours, the credit card company will allow a refund to be processed.

  1. Click OK to process the refund. 

NOTE: You may also update the Refund Amount if you wish to only process a partial refund.

  1. Click Yes to confirm you wish to process the refund through to the consumer. The refund request has now been sent to Authorize.NET. 

  2. Next, you'll need to create the matching accounting transaction: 
    • ​​​​​​​Click Billing in the left-hand navigation panel.
    • On the Billing Center tab, find the appropriate member.
    • Click the Sales Receipt button.
    • Select the same fee item used when creating the original sales receipt.
    • In the Price Each column, enter a negative amount.
    • Click Save.
    • Click Close 


The refund will be displayed as a negative sales receipt in the list of transactions. You will now need to follow your business process for actually giving the money back to the contact.

IMPORTANT: When creating refunds for Authorize.Net the following rules apply:
  • You can only refund a transaction that has been previously authorized using the payment gateway.
  • The original transaction that you wish to refund must have a status of Settled Successfully. You cannot issue refunds against unsettled, voided, declined, or errored transactions.
  • The refund transaction must be issued within 90 days of the date the original transaction was settled.
  • A refund transaction cannot exceed the amount of the original transaction.
  • The payment method provided in the refund transaction must match the payment method that was provided in the original transaction.


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