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Home > Billing - CM/MZ > Track Tiered Dues Usage
Track Tiered Dues Usage
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Once a bundled fee is assigned to a member, then there will be an area where you may record the use of the individual items that comprise the bundle.

  1. Click Members in the left-hand menu and select the desired member.

  2. Click the Account tab.

  3. In the Membership Fees & Dues section, make sure that a Bundled Fee Item is assigned to this member. (This is what triggers the Bundled Fee Tracking button to appear).

  1. Click the Bundled Fee Tracking button.

  1. The list of items that are currently assigned to this member will be displayed in the top part of the window. Enter the Quantity Used, the Date Used, and the Comments.

  1. Click Track Usage. The information will appear in the Bundled Fee Usage section at the bottom of the window. 

Note: The Bundled Fee Usage report may be used to view bundled fee usage for all members.


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