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Edit Benefit Usage
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Once a benefit usage has been entered, you can go back and make changes. For example, when a staff person records the usage of an item, they may incorrectly indicate who has used the item or put in the wrong description.

  1. Click the member's Benefit Tracking tab.

  2. In the Benefit Activity section, click the link for the benefit usage you wish to change.

  1. Make the desired changes and click Update Usage.

Delete a Benefit Usage

If a staff person accidentally records that someone used a benefit, but later realizes they put it on the wrong member, or they recorded a use incorrectly, the benefit usage may be deleted.

  1. Click the member's Benefit Tracking tab.

  2. In the Benefit Activity section, click the link for the benefit usage you wish to delete.

  1. In the Edit Benefit Item Usage window, select the Delete button.

  1. Click OK to confirm.

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