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Home > Billing - CM/MZ > Change Membership Dues Billing Frequency
Change Membership Dues Billing Frequency
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In cases where the member, or your organization, wishes to change the frequency at which a member is billed, this can be done on the member's Account tab. For example, if a member is currently being billed annually and you wish to change them to monthly.

  1. Select the member's Account tab.

  2. In the Membership Fees & Dues section, click the name of the fee/due that you wish to change.

  1. Select the desired frequency from the Billing Cycle list. 

IMPORTANT: The price of the dues should remain set to an annual price. If you are changing the frequency to something other than annual, the system will do the math. 

  1. Make any additional updates as needed.
  2. Click Save & Exit.

NOTE: If you are changing an annual frequency to monthly, this will result in you being prompted to create an invoice each month. This does NOT result in a monthly payment against an annual invoice.
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