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Home > Billing - CM/MZ > Running a Single Direct Transaction
Running a Single Direct Transaction
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If there are situations where you need to run a transaction for a one-time charge without an invoice or sales receipt. These transactions will not show up in your Integrated Billing reports. It only appears on the Payment Processing Report.


  1. Click Billing in the left-hand navigation panel
  2. Click the Reports tab.
  3. Click Payment Processing Reports / Management Tools.
  4. Click the plus sign next to Features and Settings.
  5. In the Process a single direct transaction section, enter an Amount, a Description (optional)
  6. Click Continue.
  7. Enter the customer's email address and credit card information.
  8. Click Pay.


NOTE: No invoice or receipt will be created; this is a single one-off transaction directly to the processor. The transaction will still appear in the Transactions below listed as "Single direct transaction".

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