Custom Fields are designed to give ultimate flexibility in managing your data. When adding a custom field, you will create a database field that is available across all member records for tracking additional desired information.
Custom Field Types
Text: Displays a field where text can be entered. Maximum size: 8000 characters
Boolean (True/False): Displays a check box that can be selected or cleared.
Date/Time: Displays a field where a date can be entered in many formats i.e. 9-7-06, 9-7-06, Sep 7 2006, Sep 7 06, 9/7/06 but once saved, will always display in the following format: 09/07/2006
Number - Integer: Displays a field where whole numbers may be entered. Maximum size: 10 whole numbers
Number - Decimal: Displays a field where numbers with up to 2 decimal values may be entered. Maximum size: 14 whole numbers, 2 decimal values
Drop Down List: Displays your designated list of options that may be selected.
- On the member's Reps tab, expand the Custom Fields section if needed.
- Click Add/Edit Custom Fields.
- Click Add a Field.
- Type desired field name (Maximum characters: 128)
- Click the Data Type arrow.
- Choose the desired data type.
- If the selected data type is Text, type the desired Text Size.
- If the selected data type is Drop Down List, enter the desired list of items.
- Choose the permission members to have to this field.
- Set the field to disabled to not display this field in the MIC
- Set to Read if the member should be able to see this field, but not be able to change it
- Set this field to Read/Write if the member should be able to see and change this field
- Enable MIC Search if you wish for your members to be able to search for this field in the MIC.
- Click Continue.
- Click Save & Exit.
If you wish to add additional options to a custom field that has been setup as a drop-down list:
- On the member's Reps tab, click the Add/Edit Custom Fields in the Custom Fields area.
- Click the Edit Items link for the field you wish to update. The edit items link is only displayed for custom fields that have been set up as a drop-down.
- Enter the additional choices you wish to include in the drop-down list.
NOTE: 3 textboxes are available by default for your choices, if additional choices need to be added, click the plus icon. - Click Continue.
- Click Save & Exit.
- On the member's Reps tab', click Add/Edit Custom Fields in the Custom Fields area.
- Click the check box at the end of the row of the Field Name that you wish to remove.
- Click Remove Selected Fields.
- Click Save & Exit.
NOTE: All data in the custom field will be deleted.
- On the member's Reps tab, select Add/Edit Custom Fields in the Custom Fields area.
- Click on the text of the Field Name.
- Make the desired field name change.
- Click Save & Exit.
- On the member's Reps tab, select Add/Edit Custom Fields in the Custom Fields area.
- Click and drag the field to the desired location.
- Click Save & Exit.