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Home > Events - CM/MZ > Cancel Primary Event Registrant
Cancel Primary Event Registrant
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  1. Click the Edit Registration icon.
  2. Change the names of the registrants so the person attending the event is first and the canceled attendee is second. 
  3. Select Save & Close.


  1. Click Edit Registration again & remove the registrant that needs to be canceled by selecting the X.

  2. Confirm > Save & Close.

  3. If they want a credit on their account, go to the member's record > Account tab > Transaction History > New Credit.

  4. If they want a refund, go to your Credit Card Report, find the payment, click Refund in the far right column, and follow the prompts. If it doesn't give you the option to create a matching accounting transaction, go to the member's account and create the negative sales receipt for the refund.


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