A credit may be created for a member ahead of time or created when receiving the payment. Credits do not have to be associated with a particular invoice when created. In contrast, discounts must be associated with a particular invoice. View the explanation video.
The Credit Memo Summary report will display credit transactions. Credits can be done using any fee item that exists on your items list. Keep in mind that whichever fee is selected will decrease the income account that is assigned to that item. In some instances, you could select the item that is the reason for the credit needing to be created (i.e. A credit is being issued for a registration cancelation for the annual dinner. Create the credit and select the annual dinner fee item. This will decrease the amount of income reported on the financial statements for that event). If you are unsure as to which item should be selected you will want to check with your accountant, as this will affect your financial statements.
If a member has an open invoice, you may apply a credit to that invoice prior to receipt of payment.
- Click Billing in the left-hand menu.
- Click the Invoices tab.
- Click the invoice to which the credit should be applied.
- Click the New Transaction drop-down arrow.
Click Apply Credit.
If multiple credits are available, select the desired credit from the Credit # drop-down list.
Click Apply Credit.
Click Billing in the left-hand menu.
On the Billing Center tab, click the member from which you wish to receive payment and apply the discount.
Click the invoice number to be paid.
On the invoice screen, click add/view payments.
If credits are available, the Apply existing credits to this invoice radio button will be enabled and the amount of available credit will be displayed.
Click Continue.
In the list of Open Invoices, ensure the correct Invoice Number is selected from the list.
Type the amount of credit to be applied in the Amount to Use field. The full amount of the credit will be populated if applicable.
Click Apply Credit.
On the Payment History screen, if a balance remains on the invoice, the Make a payment toward this invoice balance radio button will be enabled. To make the payment click continue. Complete the Payment screen as desired and click Save Payment.