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Home > eCommerce > Map eCommerce Products to Categories
Map eCommerce Products to Categories
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To make it easy for your customers to find what they are looking for in your store, you can map your products to categories. You can assign a product to as many categories as you wish. You can view and modify your categories as needed.

  1. Click eCommerce in the left-hand navigation.
  2. Click the Catalog tab.
  3. Click Manage Products. A list of all of your products will be displayed.
  4. Click Edit in the row for the product you wish to map to a category.
  1. Click the Category Mappings tab.
  1. Click Add New Record.
  1. Select a Category from the dropdown list.
  2. Enable Is featured product? if you wish this product featured within the category.
  3. Enter the Display order. This option allows you to specify the order in which this product will be displayed in the category.
  4. Click Insert.
  5. Repeat these steps to add this product to additional categories.
  6. Click Save to save category mappings.
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