The Payment/Receipts by Item report provides a total of all payments received in a selected date range for a specific fee item. It is a great way to see the revenue generated for fee item(s)
- Go to the Billing module and click on the Reports tab.
- Under the Sales section, click on "Payment/Receipt by Item".
- Enter the desired filtering criteria:
- Payment Applied Date From - Through. This will allow you to specify the date range for which you wish to see payments.
- Member Join Date: This allows you to specify payments received from members based on when they joined your organization. Great way to analyze the revenue you have brought in for new members.
- Item Type: If you wish to limit the report to a specific item type, choose the appropriate type. You can even choose specific fee items.
- Item Basis: You can filter based on your accounting methodology (accrual vs. cash)
Display Option: Select Summary to view totals by account, or select Detail to view the individual transactions summarized by item type.
Click Refresh Report.
You have options to download or print the report. If you wish to clear out all of your filters click the Reset Options button.