The Payment Processing Report will allow you to view the date of transactions, and the success/failure of those transactions, and provide the opportunity to refund a transaction. View the GrowthZone Pay Resource Guide for more information.
- In the Billing module, select the Reports tab.
- Click Payment Processing Reports/Management Tools in the Banking section.

- Enter desired filtering criteria:
- Member: If you wish to filter the report to a single member, click the Select a Member hyperlink, and choose the desired member.
- From/To: To filter the report on a specific date range, enter the From date and the To date. Alternately, click the more... link and select a range, or click Do Not Filter to run the report for all transactions.
- Unresolved disputed transactions regardless of date: Click the radio button if you want to include unresolved disputes regardless of the date range selected.
- Only show successful transactions: Click the radio button if you wish to see only successful transactions.
- Show item details: Click this radio button if you wish to see the fee items and bill to contact in the report.
- Show unresolved disputes: Click this radio button if you wish to show unresolved disputes in the report.

- Click Refresh Report.