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Home > Reports - CM/MZ > Billing Reports > Accounts Receivable Aging Summary
Accounts Receivable Aging Summary
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The Accounts Receivable Aging Summary report allows you to keep on top of outstanding invoices and unassociated payments. It will give you a solid understanding of your existing and future cash flow position. It provides a list of all invoices and unassociated payments in specific aging ranges (Default: 1 - 30, 31 - 60, 61 - 90, 91 - 120, and 121+ days aging). by specific product category (ie. Membership Dues) or Accounts. Reviewing your accounts receivable aging report at least monthly can help to ensure that your members are paying you. It also tells you where they stand so you can take steps for collection when necessary.

  1. Select the Billing module on the left-hand menu.
  2. On the Reports tab, select the Accounts Receivable Aging Summary report.
  1. Set your desired Filter Options.
  1. Select Refresh Report. Options for Printing or Downloading the report are available. 

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