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Home > Events - CM/MZ > Events Initial Setup > Create Event Discount Options
Create Event Discount Options
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Any event may have special discounts available and applied to all or selected fees. Discounts based on age, date, or volume may be created for each event and applied when appropriate information is provided during registration or the discount criteria are met because of date or volume.

  1. On the Event's Fees tab, click Add Discount in the Age-Based Discounts section.
  2. Enter a Discount Name.
  3. Select to apply the discount to All Fees or select an individual fee.
  4. Set the desired discount method in the Value/Amount section.
  5. Enter the Age Range to which this discount will apply.
  6. (Optional) Enter a Description for this discount.
  7. Click Save.

  1. On the Event's Fees tab, click Add Discount in the Early Registration section.
  2. Enter a Discount Name.
  3. Select to apply the discount to All Fees or select an individual fee.
  4. Set the desired discount method in the Value/Amount section.
  5. Enter the number of days before that event registrations must be received to qualify for the discount.
  6. (Optional) Enter a Description for this discount.
  7. Click Save.

  1. On the Event's Fees tab, click Add Discount in the Volume Discounts section.
  2. Enter a Discount Name.
  3. Select to apply the discount to All Fees or select an individual fee.
  4. Set the desired discount method in the Value/Amount section.
  5. Enter the Volume Range. This indicates the minimum and maximum number of registrations that must be purchased to qualify for the discount.
  6. (Optional) Enter a Description for this discount.
  7. Click Save.

  1. On the Fees tab, click Add Discount in the Discount Options area under the Membership Type Discounts section.
  2. Complete the Add Event Discount screen.
  3. Click Save.


  • Total discounts used per event may be specified and a separate limit per registration is also available.
  • For Plus edition or greater.

  1. On the Fees tab, click Add Discount in the Discount Options area under the Promo Code section.
  2. Complete the Add Event Discount screen.
  3. Click Save.


  • Promo Codes must be unique for each discount.
  • For Pro edition or greater

Benefit Item Discount

The Benefit Tracker discount has to be in the benefit tracker. Click here for a video. Go to the 18-minute mark to show how to set up the Event.


  1. On the Fees tab, click Add Discount in the Discount Options area under the Benefit Item Discount section.

  2. Complete the Add Event Discount screen.

  3. Click Save. The member's use of the Benefit Item will be tracked on their Benefit Tracking tab.

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