It is unfortunate, but at times, you may find it necessary to postpone an event. You can easily change the date of the event, and keep all attendees registered for the event.
- Notify registrants that you are postponing the event to a new date. See Send an Email to Multiple Guests.
- Change the date of the event to the new dates on the event's General tab.
- If you wish to retain the original event on your calendar(but marked as postponed) Add Event > Copy Event:
- Make a copy of the new event (with new dates). See Copy an Event.
- Set the dates of the copied event to the original event dates.
- Add ***Postponed*** to the title and description of the event. You may also wish to add the new dates to the title and description.
- Ensure that a reminder is not set for the postponed event.
- Ensure that registration is not enabled for the postponed event.
- Update the title and description of the event with ***Postpone***, on the General tab for the event.
- Notify all registrants. See Send an Email to Multiple Guests.
- Disable online registration for the event on the event's Fees tab, by deselecting Allow members to register online for this event and Allow non-members to register online for this event. See Select Registration and Billing Preferences.
- On the event's General tab, turn off the automated reminder for the event (if applicable).
Once you have decided on a future date, follow the steps described in Postpone an Event when the Future Date is Known to "re-activate" this event.
NOTE: if you have disabled online registration and the event reminder, be sure to turn those back on for the new event.