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Home > Marketing > Info Request > Manage Info Request Leads
Manage Info Request Leads
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Distributing leads is the process of selecting the desired lead information and then clicking the command that releases this information to the appropriate group(s) of members. Depending on selections made during the distribution process, labels and printouts may be generated, emails sent, or fax output prepared for those in the targeted lead list group(s).

  1. Click Info Request in the left-hand navigation bar.
  2. Click Lead Management in the Information Request area.
  3. Click Distribute General Leads or Distribute Travel Leads.
  1. Complete the Filter Options screen indicating the leads that you desire to distribute. If selecting a Lead Delivery Status that is blank, all leads will be listed - those completed and those not yet sent.
  1. Click View Leads to preview a list of those leads that will be distributed. Click Close on that window before proceeding to the next step.
  1. A list of those who will be receiving the leads is displayed on the screen. Click Preview to view the recipients and their associated leads. Select Continue.

  1. Click the desired Delivery Method for these leads and select Continue.

  1. Click Send Now.

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