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Home > Reports - CM/MZ > Create a Group from Custom Criteria
Create a Group from Custom Criteria
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You can create a group from the results of your Custom Member Report. This unique, custom group can be used throughout the software as recipients of an email, event invitations, or as a record of those meeting your specific criteria at that point in time.

  1. Click Reports in the left-hand menu.
  2. Click Custom Member Report.
  3. Select the desired fields and any other desired selections on the Member Listing screen. Click Here for further information on configuring the Custom Member Report.
  1. Click Continue.
  2. Select the desired filters and custom criteria.
  1. Click View/Print Report.
  1. After verifying that the displayed contacts are those that should be included in the group, select Create Group.

  1. Type the New Group Name.
  2. Select the Member Reps to include
  3. Click Submit.

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