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Home > Events - CM/MZ > Recurring Events
Recurring Events
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If your association has an event that occurs on a regular basis, save time by setting it up as a recurring event. Most of the details of the original event will be applied to the recurring instances. Event Details that are not carried over when setting up a recurrence:

Once an event is listed as a recurring event, each event instance will be displayed on the calendar at the appropriate date/time. Instances of the event will "inherit" the details of the original event.

NOTE: After an instance has been edited individually, it will no longer accept the changes from the original occurrence.

Setup Recurring Event

  1. On the Event's General tab, select the desired recurrence option from the Recurrence dropdown list.
  2. Complete the Recurrence schedule. For example: If you have a meeting that recurs monthly on the third Friday of each month, configure it as shown below.
  3. Enter the through date. The date entered here will be the last recurrence of this event. Or, click the No End Date check box.  

NOTE: Recurring events are capped at 200 events i.e. "No End Date" is not truly "No end date" but will stop after 200 events as will all other recurring selections.

  1. Click Save (at the top of the General tab page) to save the recurrence schedule.

View List of Modified Instances

  1. From the events module, click the original instance of the event.
  2. Click the edit specific instance hyperlink.
  1. A checkbox will be set in the Altered column for those instances that have been modified.

Edit Specific Instance

  1. In the Events module, click the Calendar tab.

  2. Advance to the date of the desired instance.

  3. Click the title of the event.

  4. Make desired modifications. Modifications made will only affect this specific instance. (You may even delete a specific instance without affecting the others.)

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