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Check-In Attendees with StaffApp
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Using the StaffApp you can easily check in your attendees manually or by scanning the QR Code included in the event confirmation. See Event QR Codes for instructions on including a QR Code in the event confirmation email.  

What is the benefit of checking in attendees?

  • Check-in via the StaffApp will mark your guests as “actual attendees” in your software. The selection “view/edit attendance list” on the Guest List tab is where you will see the attendees being marked off when listed as “Attending” on the app.

  • If using the Premium version of the StaffApp, check-in will also give the ability to modify the payment type and record payments received which in turn creates the appropriate transaction in your back office software. (Integrated Billing). Those with the CQI implementation will have transactions created as well, matching how it functions in the back office.

  • Ability to send Thank You emails to attendees after the event.

  • In addition, the Random Prize selector (which requires the Premium app) will give those registrants marked as “checked-in” priority over those simply “registered.”


Check In Guests Manually

NOTE: Check-in is available all day on the day of the event. You may, however, accept payment any time prior to the day of the event using the StaffApp.


  1. Click Events in the left-hand navigation.
  2. Click the desired event.
  3. In the Attendees section, click the checkbox for the registrant(s) you wish to check-in. The attendee is now checked in, and the update is recorded in the database.


Check-In Guests by Scanning QR Code

If you have included a QR Code in the event registration confirmation, you can easily check in your attendees by scanning the code. See Event QR Codes for instructions on including a QR Code in the event confirmation email.  

NOTE: Check-in is available all day on the day of the event. To ensure the StaffApp can scan the QR code when scanning a ticket from a mobile device, make sure the guest has their device's brightness set to 100%. 



NOTE: Once a registration is canceled, the guests QR becomes invalid 




  1. Click Events in the left-hand navigation.
  2. Click the desired event.
  3. In the Attendees section, click Check-in via QR Code.
  4. Align the red line displayed on your phone with the QR Code. The code will automatically be read, and if the attendee exists, the check-in will be successful.  


Note: Once a registration has been canceled, the guest's QR code will automatically be invalid. When attempting to check the guest in using the StaffApp, the staff member will receive the following error message: 

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