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Send Email to Member via StaffApp
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NOTE: Premium Version of the StaffApp is required to email a member using the StaffApp. Click Here to learn how to upgrade to the Premium Version, and start taking advantage of additional features.


  1. Click Directory in the left-hand panel. A list of your members will be displayed in alphabetical order. See View/Search the Member Directory for information on filtering your list of members.
  2. Click the name of the member to whom you wish to send an email in the list.
  3. On the General Information tab, click the member's email address.
  4. Select one of the following options:
    • Email Directly: If this option is selected, the email will not be logged on the member's communication history tab.
    • Email via ChamberMaster: If this option is selected, the email will be logged on the member's communication history tab.
  5. Compose and send your email.
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