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Home > Events - CM/MZ > Move Event Registration to a Different Event
Move Event Registration to a Different Event
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Occasionally, someone will register for the wrong event and you may want to move their completed registration to the correct event. Follow the steps below to complete this task.

  1. Cancel the registration on the incorrect event. This doesn't affect any invoice or payment it simply cancels that registration for that event.
    • To cancel the registration click the edit registration icon on the guest list and change their registration status to cancel.
  2. Next, create a new registration for that person on the correct event using the appropriate fees.
  3. Complete the registration with the payment option Invoice selected.
  4. When you return to your guest list, click the edit payment icon to open up the payment options for this registration.
  5. Change the payment status to Paid.
  6. In the Invoice Ref # field, enter the invoice # from their original registration.
    • You can edit this field even though it is grayed out.
  7. Click Save & Close


(Optional) Go to that invoice and associate it with the correct event.

  1. Re-associating the invoice isn't required unless some specific event-based reports are being used.
  2. Open the invoice (use the invoice number and the find > billing transaction to locate it quickly).
  3. Click Break Event Link to disconnect the invoice from the previous event.
  1. Click Save to save the change.​​​​​​​
  2. Now the Break Event Link button has changed to Associate with Event. Click this and select the correct event that the new registration was created on.
  3. Click Save to save the association before closing the invoice.
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