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Copy a Benefit Package
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To provide efficiencies in creating your Benefit Packages, you can make a copy of a package to rename. For example, if all of your benefit packages start with a base level, you can make a copy to add/tweak the benefits offer in other packages.

IMPORTANT: The copy function will also be useful in creating different packages each year. We do not recommend that you simply adjust an existing package if you wish to introduce changes from year to year. We recommend that you create a new package vs. editing an existing package. 


  1. Select Setup in the left-hand navigation panel.

  2. Select Setup Benefit Tracking.

  1. On the Setup Benefits tab, select the Copy link for the Benefit Package you wish to copy. 

  1. In the pop-up window, update the copied Benefit Package, including the new Benefit Package Name, Description, and Fee Items included in the package. Select New Benefit Item to add a Fee Item to the package.

  1. Click Save & Exit.

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