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Home > Member Information Center (MIC) > Member Access to the MIC > Send Rep Invitation to Create Their Own MIC Credentials
Send Rep Invitation to Create Their Own MIC Credentials
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A mass email may be sent to your representatives inviting them to create a login and access the Member Information Center (MIC). Ensure that all representatives are marked with the proper Permission Sets. Look at the selection of Primary and Billing on the Members > Reps tab in the Personal Information area for this role assignment.

  1. On the member's Reps tab, click the name of the rep for which you wish to create credentials.
  2. Expand the Login Permissions section.
  3. Select the send them an invitation link. The template includes instructions for the rep to set up credentials. You may use the template as is or edit it as needed.


  1. ​​​​​​​You may also create your own email and embed the personalized account creation link using the mail merge field title Create Account Link. Find this field by clicking Add Database Field, opening the Rep Contact Information section, and selecting Create Account Link. This will populate with the specific registration link needed for each rep that receives the email. 

  1. Make any desired edits, and click Send Now


  1. When the email is received and the personalized link is selected, the rep will be brought to a screen where they may create their login and password.


Hint: Run a Custom Representative Report that includes the fields “Is Primary Contact” or “Is Billing Contact” to ensure you’ve assigned the desired role for each rep. Default permissions are assigned according to this role but may be changed or overridden later if desired.

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