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Directory Overview
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Directory QuickLinks are the main categories (displayed in bold) within your directory. Your software has been populated with a variety of industry-standard links. You may add additional QuickLinks as needed and add images to your QuickLink categories.

Edit Quick Link Categories

To change the name of your quick links:

  1. Click Setup in the left-hand navigation panel.
  2. Click Define Directory Categories in the Member Options section.
  1. Select the QuickLink link. 
  1. Select the QuickLink category you would like to edit and make changes in the text field.
  1. Select Save Changes at the bottom of the page.

MarketSpace categories are displayed in the search section of the MarketSpace public module.

  1. Click Setup in the left-hand menu.
  2. Click Define Business Categories.
  3. Select the MarketSpace checkbox in the row of the desired category that should be displayed as a MarketSpace category.
    Note: If the MarketSpace name has been changed, then the checkbox title may not be MarketSpace. Look at the title used in the left-hand menu to determine the title of this column.
    Note: If selecting a main-level category as a MarketSpace category, then all the sub-categories will display as MarketSpace categories also.
  4. Click Save.

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