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Member Benefit Tracking
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Pro Edition of the ChamberMaster/MemberZone software provides an easy and efficient way to track member benefits, such as free or discounted admission to certain events or free/discounted usage of facilities or other tangible items as part of their membership. Benefit Tracking is also available as an add-on to Plus and Premiere editions.

Why use Benefit Tracking?

  1. Allow associations to offer tailored benefits to members by type or even to each individual. i.e. tiered dues

  2. Provides a way to give members exactly what they want from being a member and reinforces your value to members by offering them tailored membership benefits.

  3. A natural way to put your association in front of members throughout the year through a reminder of their remaining benefits to use i.e. you have benefits to spend
  4. No additional spreadsheets are needed to track their benefits.
  5. Event ticket counts are automatically tracked across multiple events.
  6. Members don't need to remember to use their event benefits. As long as they log in, it will tell them if they are available. Hint: Using event invitations will automatically log them in for registration 

Benefit Tracking

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