A receipt is created when accepting money on a Cash Basis. If you are receiving money to pay off an invoice, make sure to receive a payment instead of creating a receipt so the invoice can be marked as paid. The Sales Receipt Summary Report will display sales receipts transactions.
Create a Sales Receipt
NOTE: A Sales Receipt should ONLY be created when an invoice has not already been created. If you are given a payment towards an existing invoice, and your member requests a receipt, you should add a payment, then provide them with the payment documentation as the receipt or resend the invoice to them, which will show the payment. Adding a receipt, when an invoice has already been created, will result in a duplicate payment record. |
- Click the Billing Center tab.
- Click the desired member in the member list.
- Click New Sales Receipt.
- Complete the sales receipt information fields as needed:
- Sale Date: defaults to the current date.
- Sale Number: automatically displays the next available Sales Receipt Number.
- Payment Reference #: Displays on this transaction, often the check number or some other unique identifier. If capturing a credit card payment, this will be filled in automatically after processing the card.
- Message
- Sales Tax: Choose the desired Tax Set if necessary.
- Notes/Memo: this is available for miscellaneous notes displayed on the credit. If capturing a credit card payment, this will be filled in automatically after processing the card.
- Ensure that the Deposit To: drop-down selection is the desired account for funds to initially be deposited.
- Note: See Select Appropriate Deposit Option on Exports for more information.
- Note: If Transaction Classes have been created, a Receipt Class drop-down selection will appear on the screen. Select the desired Class for this transaction. If needed, select a different Class assignment on each line item.
- If selecting the “Credit Card” Payment Method, then you may actually process the card right now if you have credit card information. Click Capture Payment and complete the credit card information screen. The credit card will be processed with the total of the line items.
- Select the desired items from the Item Name list. The system will populate the price you have initially configured for the fee item, you may override this if necessary. The Quantity field will automatically default to 1, update as needed. Continue adding items as needed.
- Click Save and then click Close.
NOTE: If desired, click Print Now and follow the prompt on-screen to print the sales receipt.