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Manage Members with StaffApp
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Using the StaffApp you can easily manage your contacts:

  1. Click Directory in the left-hand panel. A list of your members will be displayed in alphabetical order.

  2. Type the name of the member into the search box, or simply scroll through the list to find the member.
  3. Click the name of the member in the list.

The Members page in the staff app consists of the tabs shown in the table below


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General Information - this tab includes the general information displayed in the database on the general tab. It will include address, phone, email information, comments & categories.

Information - this tab will display the status, membership type, and renewal month for the member. In addition, it will display any current balance along with total recurring fees.

Statistics - this tab will display statistics (web leads, events, web benefits) as displayed on the statistics tab in the back office.

Correspondance - this tab will display any emails, or notes that have been logged for this member, as on the communications tab in the back office. This will also display any phone calls you have made to the member from the app.

Reps - this tab will display the reps associated with this member. Clicking on the name of a rep will open the rep's details page.


  1. Click Directory in the left-hand panel. A list of your members will be displayed in alphabetical order.

  2. Type the name of the member into the search box, or simply scroll through the list to find the member.
  3. Click the name of the member in the list.

  4. Click Edit at the top of the screen.

  5. Click into and edit the field you wish to change.
  6. Click Save. Changes made through the StaffApp will automatically be reflected in the back office.


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