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800-825-9171 Option 4
Submit Ticket
800-825-9171 Option 4
Communication - CM/MZ
Communication - CM/MZ
Efficiently write, schedule, send, and track emails through your software.
Sub Sections
Constant Contact
Email Designer
Email Templates
Push Notifications
Scheduled Emails
Add Attachment to Email
Approve/Reject Web Leads
Archive Emails in Database When Using Outside Email Service
CM/MZ Communication Table of Contents
Communication FAQ
Communication Tasks
Complete a Follow-Up Reminder
Create a Follow-Up Reminder
Create a Letter
Create an Email Signature Block
Create Mass Mailing Labels
Create New Entry Reminder and Follow-up At the Same Time
Email All Members within Same Category
Email Delivery Failure Code Explanations
Email Sending Options
Email Status Summary
Forward an Email
Insert Graphic into Email
Link to Anchor in Email
Log a Call or Note
MailChimp Integration
Manage Communication Opt-Outs
Manage Cover Letter Templates
Manage Quarantined Emails
Opt-Out a Member from Emails
Personalize Communication with Database Fields
Preview Email Before Sending
Print Labels for Member
Reasons Emails Don’t Get to Members
Required DNS Records for Setting Up DKIM with the ChamberMaster/MemberZone Database
Resend an Email
Resubscribe Member to Emails
Send a Mass Email
Send an Email to Member
Send Communication by Delivery Preference
Unsubscribed Emails Report
View and Record Communication History
WYSIWYG Editor Best Practices